# Pie chart

# Use cases

Pie chart


<!-- Width and height need to be set for the element -->
<div class="canvas-wrapper">
    <canvas id="canvas3"></canvas>

# JS

const options = {
    type: 'pie',
    title: {
        text: '服装品类销售饼状图'
    legend: {
        position: 'left'
    bgColor: '#fbfbfb',
    labels: ['T恤', '牛仔裤', '连衣裙', '毛衣', '七分裤', '短裙', '羽绒服'],
    datasets: [{
        data: [334, 278, 190, 235, 260, 200, 141]
new Schart('canvas3', options);

# options

parameter explain must data type default
datasets chart data, detail Yes array -
labels the text of X axis Yes array -
type chart type, must be 'pie' Yes string bar
showValue display the value in the chart No boolean true
topPadding inside top margin of chart No number 60
leftPadding inside left margin of chart No number 50
rightPadding inside right margin of chart No number 10
bottomPadding inside bottom margin of chart No number 50
bgColor the background color of chart No string #fff
title the title of chart, detail No object -
legend the legend of chart, detail No object -
radius pie radius No number 100
colorList the color list of chart No array -

# datasets

parameter explain must data type default
data chart data Yes array -

# title

parameter explain must data type default
text title text, do not display title if not transmitted No string -
color title color No string #666
position title position, optional top and bottom No string top
font typeface No string bold 18px Arial
top when the position is top, the distance between the title position and the top of the canvas No number 10
bottom when the position is bottom, the distance between the title position and the bottom of the canvas No number 5

# legend

parameter explain must data type default
display show legend No boolean true
color text color of legend No string #666
position title position, optional top and bottom and left No string top
font typeface No string 14px Arial
top when the position is top or left, the distance between the legend position and the top of the canvas No number 45
bottom when the position is bottom, the distance between the legend position and the bottom of the canvas No number 15